Safe place for life troubles


This is going to be my new website. There is currently nothing there at the moment, but I am working on getting something up there by April 30th. But before that can happen, I need some help. You can help by commenting on this!! Help me build a safe place so everyone can have somewhere to go at all times to get support and express how they really feel and get inspired. No matter if you don’t know anything about computers(I didn’t either until I started this project) you can still help. 

Why you should help: This is for everyone. It is completely free and accessible, and I think everyone will need it.

What is it exactly: A platform to help people express their true feelings and who they really are without being judged in any way. We all feel like we have to behave a certain way around certain people so they will like us, and if you have someone that you can tell everything that bothers you to, then you are one of the lucky ones. The rest of us aren’t so lucky. But that certainly doesn’t mean our feelings don’t count or that we’re not worth understanding. Most people just don’t support us because they don’t know what we’re going through. On the outside, I look happy, satisfied with my life… but who would know that I need support? I believe that if everyone shared how they really felt, and were vulnerable, we would support each other and give each other hope. In this website, my hope is that people would find kindred spirits, people that are going through perhaps the same situation with them, or at least people who understand. The idea is that if you post an anonymous post with a question, telling us how bad you felt, or something that inspired you, then someone would get back to you within minutes and support and understand you. When we’re feeling lonely and confused, we don’t need someone to fix us up and tell us what to do. Most often, we just need someone to care. So that’s my goal for this website.

How to help: Just leave a comment!!! Anything helps, but if you don’t have thoughts answer this question. If this website were to offer the option of registering a username, would you do it? The option of Anonymous posting will always be available, to new users or to users who have usernames. If you have a username it just means that people can see what you post in conjunction with something else you post, and know that it’s the same person. Remember this is for completely vulnerable posts.

Also feel free to ask questions or give advice. Anything at all helps.

I will keep updating with Website progress and I want input from my community that wants to make this happen as much as I do. I only have one mind, one set of experiences, one way of looking at things. The more people’s input the better to build a platform that will serve everyone well. Thank you !!!

Help by commenting below. Ask a question or offer advice. |  <- That’s supposed to be an arrow pointing down.                                 \/