For you

Hey. You’re there, I see you. I might not know you.

It frustrates me because I know you’ll see this and think it’s not written for you, you’ll distrust even this sentence. I know trust is a long process and that you are so not there. I’m not there. I’m writing this because I know there are people like me who want to be with someone and find that they can’t. I know there are people who would like to trust but are afraid to give part of themselves to someone who might not understand, again, who might just throw it away, and not ever give it back. I still pause before I send any text message, even to my closest friends. Or do I have close friends, if I have to pause before I send them something. I just want you to know someone understands, and even if you don’t trust that this sentence is for you, maybe one day you will. I believe in you. Please give yourself another chance. You have more in you than you feel right now. Sometimes, the tunnel takes a bend. You can’t see the light because there is another bend!! If you hit a dead end, it’s not the end. Not the end. I trust you will find a way around the bend. I will see you tomorrow.

Trusting in You

One of the most important abilities in life is to trust yourself. Once you know that you are able do incredible things, you will be able to do them.

This world is also full of people who don’t trust you. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you aren’t to be trusted. They don’t know you, or they don’t know how. Some of the closest people in your life may not trust you because they want to protect you, or they have not seen the capabilities you have. If you are stuck with one of those people, get out. Pay attention. I don’t mean go away from them. Most likely, someone who doesn’t believe in other people doesn’t believe in them self either. They may love you, and you may love them as well. Keep going with them, and one day maybe you will even be a support to them. However, you need someone to support you as well. Someone out there is a strong person who is willing to believe in you, if you find them. You don’t have to go far. Just keep your eyes open. This may be an owner of a small restaurant. That happened to me. I went to an Ethiopian place that had only several chairs in its eating area. The woman who ran it, however, was genuinely interested in me and talked to me even though she had other customers. She shared with me the church that she went to and said I was a special person. She believed in me. Although it was a small encounter, I let it change me. As a friend once said, she had to choose between the good parts of growing up in a small town and use them to her advantage, while not letting the bad ones bother her. In the same way, we must let the people who truly believe in us to impact us in a stronger way than those who don’t. Another thing is, go after those who are like this. If someone thinks you are special, they probably won’t mind talking to you again. I realized a family friend was a strong person when my mom was having  a meeting with him and I sat in. I let what he said about me wash over me. He told me that God made everyone special, and that I had important things to do for God. He also shared some of his story. I knew he was a good support for me, so I may contact him more. It is important to surround yourself with people who believe in you and see you as someone special. As a book, the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens says, if we surround ourselves with people who look at you in a better way than you look at yourself, you will start to see yourself that way. We all need people who will support us.

“If you could envision the type of person God intended you to be, you would rise up and never be the same again.” – Anonymous . I believe you have the power to be great, take control of your life and use it for what God intended it to be used for, if you just believed in yourself.

Safe place for life troubles


This is going to be my new website. There is currently nothing there at the moment, but I am working on getting something up there by April 30th. But before that can happen, I need some help. You can help by commenting on this!! Help me build a safe place so everyone can have somewhere to go at all times to get support and express how they really feel and get inspired. No matter if you don’t know anything about computers(I didn’t either until I started this project) you can still help. 

Why you should help: This is for everyone. It is completely free and accessible, and I think everyone will need it.

What is it exactly: A platform to help people express their true feelings and who they really are without being judged in any way. We all feel like we have to behave a certain way around certain people so they will like us, and if you have someone that you can tell everything that bothers you to, then you are one of the lucky ones. The rest of us aren’t so lucky. But that certainly doesn’t mean our feelings don’t count or that we’re not worth understanding. Most people just don’t support us because they don’t know what we’re going through. On the outside, I look happy, satisfied with my life… but who would know that I need support? I believe that if everyone shared how they really felt, and were vulnerable, we would support each other and give each other hope. In this website, my hope is that people would find kindred spirits, people that are going through perhaps the same situation with them, or at least people who understand. The idea is that if you post an anonymous post with a question, telling us how bad you felt, or something that inspired you, then someone would get back to you within minutes and support and understand you. When we’re feeling lonely and confused, we don’t need someone to fix us up and tell us what to do. Most often, we just need someone to care. So that’s my goal for this website.

How to help: Just leave a comment!!! Anything helps, but if you don’t have thoughts answer this question. If this website were to offer the option of registering a username, would you do it? The option of Anonymous posting will always be available, to new users or to users who have usernames. If you have a username it just means that people can see what you post in conjunction with something else you post, and know that it’s the same person. Remember this is for completely vulnerable posts.

Also feel free to ask questions or give advice. Anything at all helps.

I will keep updating with Website progress and I want input from my community that wants to make this happen as much as I do. I only have one mind, one set of experiences, one way of looking at things. The more people’s input the better to build a platform that will serve everyone well. Thank you !!!

Help by commenting below. Ask a question or offer advice. |  <- That’s supposed to be an arrow pointing down.                                 \/