Be Understood

Jan 11, 2015. 15 years old.

We all could use a hug, we all have situations that bother us, yet we don’t share it. This makes it feel as if we are alone in the world, facing challenges that we don’t know how to confront yet, feeling confused and sometimes hopeless where everyone else seems to be “okay”. We naturally think other people’s lives are easier, simpler, and happier because we don’t know what’s bothering them. After all, they’re just sitting there, doing something like they are supposed too.

We all feel sad, uncomfortable, and angry. Yet what do we say when someone asks how are you? We say “I’m doing fine”, even when we desperately need someone to encourage us on, help us out, know what we are facing so they can help us on. We are afraid to let them know that there is anything wrong at all, because it is not conventional in our society, and, the other person looks like they’re doing fine.

What if you found out that the other person needs help too, and needs your support? What if you found out that they were thinking those same things?

Sometimes, we may feel better just knowing someone else understands.  If we told each other, we could encourage each other, provide feedback, and help each other keep on track. Even if none of these, it would at least be nice to know that there is someone else in the world who feels the same way. If they are still going, why can’t I keep going?

I would like to create an internet center with precisely these functions to let us express how we’re feeling: if we had a bad day, or an especially good one! Wouldn’t you like that? And since everyone is anonymous, we don’t have to worry about being vulnerable! Now instead of keeping our “bad” feelings inside, all packaged up with polite smiles, we can find some real support and others who understand. We can also see how others conquered their own problems, and learn from them or be inspired.

If you simply need someone to talk to, there will be a function where two people are paired up and can simply listen to each other and share. When we feel less alone, we are less fearful … of everything!

We’re not done! PLEASE if you have any thoughts at all about this idea of a website, leave something in the comments section. Don’t be afraid to express your ideas!


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